The WOA 2025 will be characterized by the presence of two different types of sessions (Papers and Research Ideas) and a Doctoral Consortium.

  1. PAPER SESSIONS (SHORT PAPER) May 29th (afternoon) and May 30th (all day):
    Short papers presenting completed research – including theoretical, methodological, findings, and discussion and contributions sections – may be submitted in such a session.
    The author/authors may express in the EasyChair System their willingness to be redirected to the poster session if their contribution is evaluated by the Scientific Committee as not yet ready to be presented in a paper session.                                                                                                                                                   
  2. RESEARCH IDEAS (POSTER) May 29th (afternoon) and May 30th (all day):
    Abstracts about work in progress, research ideas, or early-stage works eliciting feedback can be sent to this session to receive advice and discuss broader. Indeed, this session is suitable for suggestions exchange and open discussion of research projects and ideas in an early development phase.                                                                                                                                                     
  3. DOCTORAL CONSORTIUM May 29th (morning):
    The Doctoral Consortium welcomes both full papers—including theoretical framework, methodological approach, results, discussion, contributions, and future research directions—and early-stage research proposal, presenting initial ideas, conceptual developments, and methodological approaches still in progress.
    Please visit the Doctoral Consortium section for all relevant information


Short papers and research ideas must be submitted electronically via EasyChair by April 13th 2025. 

  • Short papers of a maximum of 3000 words (incl. graphs, references, figures and tables) will be double-blind reviewed. Short papers should summarize the research purpose, the theoretical background, the research gap, the approach taken, the methods of analysis (in empirical papers), main findings, and contributions (if any). If accepted, the papers will be discussed during the parallel sessions.
  • Research ideas are structured-abstracts comprising 300 words and should include: Purpose, Design/Methodology/Approach/Intervention, Results, Limitations, Research/Practical Implications, Originality/Value. All the accepted research ideas will be presented as a poster with the support of printed presentations displayed on large boards (100 h x 70w centimeters; portrait format. Every author has to bring her/his own poster). Individual posters will be clustered in thematic “call for ideas” sessions lasting 60-90 minutes each. Since this session aims to generate a dynamic discussion among presenters and the audience, a facilitator will lead an introductory round in which each presenter introduces her/his poster, specifying what kind of advice is expected (approx. 3 minutes each). Then, the audience members will be able to interact with the presenter for around 7-10 minutes. 

Notification of acceptance will be communicated by May 4th.

All the accepted contributions will be published online as conference proceedings with an ISBN.

The authors of the best contributions presented at the conference will be invited to submit the corresponding full papers. Each full paper undergoes a double-blind review process, in order to be published in a Springer volume “Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organization” series, indexed on Scopus.


Online registration will be accepted until the 10th of May. After this date, only on-site registration will be allowed.

The registration fee includes:
– Access to the workshop sessions
– Social dinner
– Coffee breaks and lunches
– Personal Badge, certificate of attendance, program

Fees are in Euros (€), VAT exempt transaction pursuant to art.4 comma 4 del D.P.R. 633/72 


Register Now



To attend the WOA2025, if they have not already done so, participants must pay the ASSIOA membership fee for 2025.

Online registration – (until May, the 10th)

Payment by bank transfer

Payment by Paypal

ASSIOA members



ASSIOA support members
(professori straordinari, a contratto, practitioners)



ASSIOA correspondent junior members
(PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, scholarship researchers)



The guest dinner fee is € 60

Saturday social event (Trabocchi bike tour): 55/65 depending on trasportation

On-site registration 

Credit card/Bancomat

ASSIOA members


ASSIOA support members
(professori straordinari, a contratto, practitioners)


ASSIOA correspondent junior members
(PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, scholarship researchers)


On-site payments could only be made by credit card/bancomat, and cash is not allowed. On-site registration will not allow to participate in the social dinner and the Trabocchi bike tour