Registration ad payments

Registrations are closed!


Being sure you already renewed your ASSIOA membership, please register to the conference by filling in the form (Step 1)  and then finalize your registration (Step 2) paying the conference fee by bank transfer or Paypal (a copy of the bank transfer must be send to
Online registration will be accepted until the 13 th of May. After this date, only on-site registration will be allowed (on-site registrations could be limited due to logistic issues).

The registration fee includes:
–  Access to the workshop sessions
–  Coffee breaks and lunch
–  Personal Badge, certificate of attendance, program
– Social Dinner

Fees are in Euros (€), VAT exempt transaction pursuant to art.4 comma 4 del D.P.R. 633/72 –

Conference fees

In order to attend the WOA2022, if they have not already done so, participants must pay their ASSIOA Membership fee for 2022.

IN-PRESENCE participation

Online registration (until May, the 13th) Payment by bank transfer Payment by Paypal
ASSIOA members €250 €255
ASSIOA correspondent members
(professori straordinari, a contratto, practitioners)
€250 €255
(PhD students, postdoctoral researchers , borsisti)
€80 €85
On-site registration (1,2) Credit card/Bancomat
ASSIOA members €300
ASSIOA correspondent members
(professori straordinari, a contratto, practitioners)
(PhD students, postdoctoral researchers , borsisti)

(1) Please note that the on-site registrations could be limited due to logistic issues, in case of future modifications of the University’s COVID safety protocols. Participants that plan to register on-site and that would like to participate in the social dinner, should kindly advise the organizers at least by May, the 21st.
(2) On-site payments could be done only by credit card/bancomat, not by cash.

The fee for in-presence participation includes:

  • Access to the workshop sessions and program
  • Light lunch and coffee breaks
  • Personal Badge, Certificate of attendance
  • Social Dinner

ONLINE participation

  Payment by bank transfer Payment by Paypal
ASSIOA members €150 €155
ASSIOA correspondent members
(professori straordinari, a contratto, practitioners)
€150 €155
(PhD students, postdoctoral researchers , borsisti)
€30 €32

The fee for online participation includes:

  • Online access to the WOA sessions and material
  • Certificate of attendance

Fees are in Euros (€), VAT exempt transaction pursuant to art.4 comma 4 D.P.R. 633/72 

The registration form is available HERE

Register NOW

bank transfer payment

The fees must be paid in Euro (€) through 

    • Bank name: Intesa San Paolo, Filiale di Padova, Via VIII Febbraio 20
    • IBAN: IT37 Y030 6912 1691 0000 0005 464

Please specify “WOA 2022 [participant name] and [participant family name]” as a description of payment.