Requirement and guidance for submitting papers


One of the take-away messages of the 2019 WOA edition held in Palermo on “Identity and pluralism” was that organizational scholars need space and time in order to build a shared understanding and discuss in-depth about the multiplicity of organizational phenomena and challenges that digital technologies imply. Therefore, as a novelty for this year’s edition, the Workshop Program will be articulated in two new types of sessions. We kindly invite scholars to submit to:


Short papers presenting completed research – including theoretical, methodological, findings, and discussion and contributions sections – may be submitted in such a session. Starting from this year, authors of short papers accepted to present in a PAPER SESSION, should upload a full version of the paper so that the track chairs can circulate them among the authors presenting in the same session.

Short papers should comprise 3000 words including graphs, figures, tables, and references.

The document should include:
Title of the Short paper
Selected track (i.e., “Organizational Model”, “People”, “Processes” or “Methodology” )
Purpose of the research
Theoretical framework and/or theories applied
Research methods
Main or expected findings
Theoretical, empirical, and managerial implications and contributions also with reference to the theme of WOA

Please make sure the document does not contain any author identifying information.


The Files file must be suibmitted via the Easychair platform in .pdf format and should be formatted
according to the following guidelines:

Font: Palatino
Size: 11
Headings: Bold
Subheadings: Italics; one level.
Alignment: left hand side
Borders: 2.5 cm on all sides
Spacing: single line; one blank space before headings.
Footnotes: numbered (1, 2, 3 etc.)
Tables: (Table 1) in text; Table 1. Initial cap only
Figures: (Figure 1) in text; Figure 1. Initial cap only
Displayed quotations: indented 1 cm left and right
Numbers in text: spell out one to nine then use numbers
References APA format

Your full paper should comprise approx. 7000-8000 words. Please do not forget to indicate the name/s of the author/s, affiliation(s) and email address (es) at the top of the full paper before uploading it on EasyChair (deadline: January 23rd, 2020). Authors are also invited to bring printed copies of their papers to be shared with the audience the day of the presentation, so that they can receive more detailed comments and feedback on their work.


Abstracts about work in progress, research ideas or early-stage works eliciting feedback, must be addressed in this session. Indeed, this session is suitable for idea exchange and open discussion of research projects and ideas in an early phase of development. Starting from this year, authors of abstracts, accepted to be presented in a work in progress session, are invited to produce a printed copy of a poster that presents the research in progress. Posters will be on display during the whole conference and there will be dedicated sessions to present and discuss them.

Structured-abstracts should comprise 250 words and should include:

  • Purpose
  • Design/Methodology /Approach/Intervention
  • Results
  • Limitations

The file must be submitted via the Easychair platform in .pdf format and should be conform to the
WOA2020 abstract template. Please make sure the document does not contain any author identifying information.

Posters are short printed presentations displayed on large boards (100 h x 70 l centimetres; portrait format). Individual posters will be clustered in thematic work in progress sessions lasting 45-60 minutes each. Since the aim of this session is to generate a dynamic discussion among presenters and the audience, at the beginning a facilitator will lead an introductory round in which each presenter introduces her/his poster with a brief statement about objectives and (expected) results (approx. 3 minutes each). It follows a brief informal discussion (questions, comments, etc.) and then the audience members will have the possibility to go through posters and interact with presenters. Presenters of the posters are kindly asked to bring handouts of their poster to the session for interested visitors.

Short papers (Paper session) and abstracts (Work in progress session) must be submitted electronically via EasyChair by the deadline Novembre 4th, 2019. Contributions will be double-blind reviewed


Submit your paper
