Call for papers Special Issue of Impresa Progetto-Electronic Journal of Management: Digital learning and knowledge management
Guest editors and editors: Mariacristina Bonti, Enrico Cori, Fabrizio Montanari, Teresina Torre
Call for papers Special Issue of Prospettive in Organizzazione: Will employees dream of electric sheep? The effects of technology on work and people
Guest editors: Luca Gnan, Alessandra Lazazzara
Call for papers Special Issue of PuntOorg International Journal: Digital technologies within and beyond the workplace: impacts, ambiguities, and transformative trends
Guest Editors: Guglielmo Faldetta, Maria Laura Frigotto, Alessandra Lazazzara, Michela Marchiori, Mario Pezzillo Iacono, Anna Chiara Scapolan
Call for papers Special Issue of Studi Organizzativi: The interplay between digital technologies and organization design. A sociomateriality perspective
Guest Editors: Daniel Pittino, Attila Bruni, Norbert Steigenberger
Call for Chapters LNISO Springer Series: Digital workers and human machines: socio-technical systems and grand-challenges in the digital transformation era
Editors: Luca Solari, Marcello Martinez, Alessio Maria Braccini